Fallout nv gas mask
Fallout nv gas mask

fallout nv gas mask

PC If the makeshift gas mask is worn and then removed, the blue tint which normally accompanies Vault 106 hallucinations will be permanently applied, even if the Lone Wanderer is outside Vault 106. However, the masks are not present in the final version of the game (more accurately, are placed but marked as disabled), indicating that they were removed from the game sometime after the Official Game Guide was written. Most notably, wearing the makeshift gas mask will stop all hallucinations experienced when fighting the Survivor found in the lowest level of Vault 106, including the appearance of the hallucination versions of Butch DeLoria, Paul Hannon Jr., and Wally Mack.Īccording to the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide, two of them were supposed to be in Vault 106 to prevent the "blue visions".

fallout nv gas mask

When worn, the makeshift gas mask prevents some (but not all) hallucinations from occurring while inside Vault 106. In appearance, it is identical to the raider blastmaster helmet it can also be repaired with it.

fallout nv gas mask

The makeshift gas mask is an unused piece of equipment in Fallout 3 which would have been used in Vault 106. The following is based on Fallout 3 cut content.

Fallout nv gas mask